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WES Student and Parent Handbook

Woodland Elementary Vision and Beliefs

Our Vision

It is the vision of Woodland Elementary to provide a safe and encouraging environment where children are empowered to become confident leaders, critical thinkers, life-long, learners and productive citizens of our diverse and global community.

Our Beliefs

We believe:  

  • all children can achieve their highest potential with proper guidance in a positive, supportive, and challenging learning environment.
  • all children should be encouraged to become life-long independent learners.
  • school should encompass values and life experiences.
  • all children have a right to learn and work in a safe environment that fosters mutual respect.
  • all children should use technology as a tool for learning.

School Hours


  • 7:10 AM Doors open for student drop-off.
  • 7:10 AM – 3:30 PM Front Desk hours.
  • 7:10 AM – 7:40 AM Students stop by the cafeteria for breakfast and then report to their homeroom.
  • 7:40 AM – 2:20 PM Instructional Hours – students should be in class, ready for the day no later than 7:40 AM.
  • 1:45 PM Front doors remain locked until after dismissal / No early check out after 1:45 PM.
  • 2:20 PM – 2:50 PM Afternoon dismissal.

Contact Information

Telephone Numbers

  • Front Office: 470 – 254 – 5890
  • Fax: 470 – 254 – 4091
  • Cafeteria: 470 – 254 – 4069
  • Bus Transportation: 470 – 254 – 2970

Points of Contact

The first person or website listed is the first point of contact. Afterwards, progress through the chain of command as needed. 

  • Attendance
    1. Teacher
    2. School Social Worker
    3. Assistant Principal
  • Bus Concern
    1. Bus Driver
    2. North Fulton County Transportation Department
    3. Assistant Principal
  • Cafeteria
    1. Cafeteria Manager
    2. Assistant Principal
  • Curriculum / Instruction
    1. Classroom Teacher
    2. Curriculum Support Teacher (CST)
    3. Principal
  • Discipline
    1. Teacher
    2. Assistant Principal
    3. Principal
  • Dismissal Changes
    2. Teacher
  • General Information
    1. Front Desk
    2. Website
  • Media Center
    1. Media Center Webpage
    2. Media and Educational Technology Instructor (METI)
  • Medical
    1. Clinic Webpage
    2. Clinic
  • Private School Application Request
    1. Curriculum Support Teacher (CST)
  • Services for Exceptional Children (SEC)
    1. Case Manager
    2. Instructional Support Teacher (IST)
  • Staff / Faculty
    1. Staff / Faculty Member in Question
    2. Assistant Principal
    3. Principal
  • Student Records and Registration
    1. Registration and Enrollment Website
    2. Registrar
    3. Data Specialist
  • Tours
    1. School Tour Webpage - this page will only be active while school tours are available
    2. Curriculum Support Teacher (CST)

Administration and Support Staff Contact Information

Arrival and Dismissal

Arrival Procedures

School begins promptly at 7:40 AM. Students should arrive at school between 7:10 AM and 7:35 AM.  Even though staff arrives prior to 7:10 AM, WES’s doors do not open for students and visitors until 7:10 AM; therefore, students should not arrive on campus or be released from the vehicle until after 7:10 AM.

Being on time and prepared for the school day benefits students' academic performance and future professional habits.  Getting your child to school before 7:40 AM allows them time to settle in, prepare their class materials, and focus their minds on the day to come. Students who are not in their classroom by 7:40 AM will be marked tardy.

Carpool Riders – Morning

Morning Carpool begins at 7:10 AM and ends at 7:37 AM.  Bus lanes are not to be used for carpool drop-off in the morning. Please refrain from cell phone usage while in carpool line for the safety of our students.

There are two carpool lanes for student drop-offs. The lane to the RIGHT is designated for grades PreK – 2 The lane to the LEFT is designated for grades 3-5.  Students should be ready to exit the vehicle, from the passenger side, with assistance of school staff, as needed.   Parents are to always remain behind the wheel. Those who must exit the car for any reason should park in any parking space not marked with a “Reserved” sign and accompany their child into the building.  The front entrance curb is a designated fire lane and is not available for parking.  Bus lanes are not to be used for carpool drop-off in the morning.

To ensure the instructional day begins promptly at 7:40 AM, carpool services end at 7:37 AM. If a parent arrives after 7:37 AM, the parent must park in a visitor parking space, walk with their child to the front of the building, and sign the student in outside the building and wait for their child to enter.

Multiple tardies will result in a referral to the school social worker. 

Carpool Riders - Afternoon

Afternoon Carpool begins at 2:25 PM and ends at 2:45 PM. Bus lanes are not to be used for carpool pick-up in the afternoon. Please refrain from cell phone usage for the safety of our students. 

Because staff is not allowed to remain outside once carpool ends, parents who arrive after 2:45 PM are required to come inside and sign their child out once proper photo ID has been presented. Repeated failure to pick up a student on time will result in a referral to the school social worker. 

Dismissal Procedures

Dismissal begins at 2:20 PM and ends at 2:40 PM 

To ensure the safety of our students, parents and visitors are not allowed to enter the building during dismissal and may not attempt to enter the building through alternate doors. Students are dismissed as follows:

  • BUS RIDERS are dismissed at 2:23 PM in an orderly fashion to the bus circle. For the safety of our students, parents are not allowed in the bus area. (In the event a bus is delayed, Fulton County’s Transportation department will alert the parents/guardians via the cell phone number on file). For students in PK – 1st, if an adult is not present at the bus stop, the student will be returned to the school and the parent/guardian will be contacted to pick up the student once proper photo ID has been presented. Repeat occurrences will result in a referral to the school social worker. 
  • WALKERS are dismissed at 2:20 PM. All walkers are released from the learning cottages outside of the gym.  Parents should meet their student at the top of the steps.
  • CARPOOL begins at 2:20 PM.
  • AFTER SCHOOL CARE is dismissed at 2:32 PM to the designated after school care.
  • AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES are dismissed at 2:35 PM. When picking up a student from an after-school care program or an after-school activity, parents must pick up the student from the individual overseeing the program/activity at door number 2, located by the computer lab, to the left of the front door.

Early Dismissal

To ensure the student is prepared for early dismissal, we encourage parents to send a note to the student’s teacher on the morning of the early dismissal indicating the early check out time. The front office is not allowed to call a student up to the front before the parent has arrived at the front desk. A parent or guardian is required to come into the office and sign the Student Check-Out sheet once proper photo ID has been presented. Students will not be released to anyone other than their parent/legal guardian unless prior written notice has been given to the school to include the name and contact information of the person checking out the student.  

Check In and Check Out Procedures

Our primary concern is for the safety and welfare of our studentstherefore, we must ask for support in strictly enforcing the following rules pertaining to check-in and check-out procedures.

Checking a Student In

Parents/Guardians checking in their students after 7:40 AM will need to sign in at the front door using the Student Check-In sheet. 

Checking a Student Out

Parents/Guardians checking out their students must do so prior to 1:45 PM and be prepared to present a valid photo ID that can be verified with the information given at registration. Student check-out is not permitted after 1:45 p.m. After this time, students will be sent home as indicated by their regular dismissal procedure.  For the safety of our students during afternoon dismissal, no one is allowed to enter the building from 2:00 – 2:40 PM. Please note, if a student is checked out prior to 11:10 AM, the student will be marked absent for the day.

Changes in Transportation for Dismissal

Changes to a student’s afternoon dismissal routine are allowed prior to 1:00 PM. After this time, students will be sent home by their regular way. Parents should send in a written note or email the teacher and the Change of Transportation email as early as possible.

Changes to the normal afternoon routine will not be made unless the office has received written confirmation or sent an email to the teacher and Change of Transportation email. For additional transportation information, visit

When submitting the request via email, please include the following information in the body of the email:

  1. Student’s first and last name
  2. Student’s teacher
  3. The date(s) the change is to begin and end
  4. If changing to a BUS RIDER: Please include the bus number or color/animal and the name of the complex/subdivision or address. 
  5. If changing to CARPOOL: Please include your carpool number, if you have one, and if you do not, please request a temporary carpool number.
  6. If changing to a DAYCARE PROVIDER: Please include the name of the Daycare Provider, contact person, and phone number.
  7. If changing to an AFTER-SCHOOL ACTIVITY, please provide the name of the activity, the day(s) of the week of the activity and the date(s) it begins and ends.
  8. Parent/Guardian’s contact information to include name and phone number

We strongly encourage parents to submit any transportation change requests via email to:

When doing so, a confirmation is given for the request. If a confirmation is not received by 1:00 PM, please check the email and ensure you have entered it correctly and re-send. If you still do not receive confirmation, please call the front office at 470-254-5890. In the event of an emergency, and it is after 1:00 PM but before 1:45 PM, parents are to call the front office at 470-254-5890 to request an emergency change to their child’s dismissal. After advising the front office, the parent is required to send the request to

Please make every effort to provide a permanent mode of transportation to provide consistency for your student.

Instructional Programs

It is the mission of Woodland Elementary School to provide a high-quality education for each student and an optimum learning environment that will aid in the development of the total child through a cooperative effort among the home, school, and community.​ As one of the largest elementary schools in Fulton County, Woodland proudly provides exemplary education from Pre-K through fifth grade and meets the needs of diverse learners by offering multiple services such as Talented and Gifted (TAG), Continuous Achievement, Special Education, English Language Learners (ELL), Art, Music, Physical Education, Career Guidance lessons, STEM and Media/Library lessons. Students also have access to multiple gardens and STEM related locations throughout the campus.

Curriculum – Literacy

High levels of literacy are an expectation for all students to achieve. At Woodland, students are individually assessed and instructed on their just-right reading level. Students are taught how to read and then move to reading to learn. We want all students to have a passion and love for reading! Every classroom comes equipped with an abundant classroom library, so students have choice in selecting rich literature driven by their own interests. This promotes high levels of engagement. Additionally, direct instruction is given in small, guided reading groups and book clubs so students can continue to grow as avid readers.  ​

Writing Workshop is designed to help students understand the craft of writing and is part of every classroom. Teachers supplement the workshop model by incorporating instruction on techniques, while also keeping a strong emphasis on the style and organization of the writing process. Students learn to express their ideas in written form and to convey a message through their words. Teachers regularly meet with students in small groups or individually to improve writing based on that student’s needs.  ​

Curriculum - STEM

In 2016, Woodland became the 16th elementary school in the state of Georgia to become Science, Math, Engineering, and Math (STEM) certified.  In March 2023, Woodland earned state recertification.  To have obtained and continue to maintain this high honor, Woodland offers a unique approach to curriculum through STEM subject integration while also incorporating the arts. We provide students with multiple opportunities to learn in various hands-on settings including a Data Investigation Lab, Prototyping Lab, Aquaponics Lab, Technology/Robotics Lab, and various gardens located on the campus. Field experts are invited to share their knowledge with students throughout all the phases of the Design Thinking Process (DTP). Students use this knowledge to solve problems in a real-world context.  We believe that it is our mission to help students become patient, proficient problem solvers equipped with the 21st century skills needed to be successful in later years.​

For standards-based math instruction, teachers identify specific learning goals and teach the mathematical concept, as opposed to a series of steps.  A natural progression of mathematics learning is concrete to representational to abstract.  By incorporating hands-on learning, students gain access to deep conceptual understanding that leads to knowing the how and the why of abstract algorithms. The focus in elementary grades is to lay a strong foundation by slowing down the learning process so that students may work efficiently in more complex mathematics courses. In addition, the process of learning mathematics in a slow progression promotes critical thinking and flexible problem-solving. 

Georgia Standards of Excellence

All Georgia schools are required to teach the Georgia Standards of Excellence. To view the standards for each content area, click on the appropriate hyperlinked text below:

Parent / Teacher Conferences

The school-home connection is an important part of student success. Parents should expect to have phone calls and/or e-mails returned within two working days. Teachers are available to conference with parents to discuss academic, behavioral, and social/emotional progress. All conferences should be scheduled in advance. All concerns should first be raised with the classroom teacher.  Parents will be asked if the concern has been discussed with the teacher prior to setting up an appointment with a school administrator. This allows the teacher the opportunity to work collaboratively with the parent to deal with the concern. Please contact Mrs. Tara Uremovich, CST, with instructional questions/concerns. Other questions/concerns should be directed to an Assistant Principal or Principal.

Grading / Report Cards

Elementary students in Fulton County receive 4 grading reports each nine weeks. A student must be in attendance at least 20 days within a grading period to receive grades. At the end of each semester, a cumulative grade will be given. The grading scale is listed below for special area classes as well as for students in Kindergarten and First grades:

S – Satisfactory

N – Need Improvement

U – Unsatisfactory

NG – No Grade 

Letter grades (A, B, C, and F) and numeric grades will be used on report cards and transcripts for students in second grade through fifth grade. The following academic grading scale shall be used:

A – 90 and above

B – 80 to 89

C – 70 to 79

F – 69 and below

NG – No Grade

Parents may view their child’s grades through Infinite Campus Parent Portal which is the authorized web portal and only authorized provider of online access to student information in Fulton County.  The website for the link is


Communication between school and home is very important. There are several methods of communication available in addition to emails, phone calls, conference, etc.:

Wildcat News

Sent out bi-weekly (additional special editions also are sent out as applicable) and includes principal letter, school updates, current information about the school/school system, dates to remember, school activities, PTO/Friends of Woodland information, community outreach, programs, and opportunities to volunteer.

School Messenger

Important school/county announcements such as emergency information will be announced through email and/or phone calls via School Messenger. If you do not receive information from this system, please contact the front office and/or data clerk to ensure we have accurate contact information.

School Website

Information is regularly updated and posted to the Woodland Elementary website. The Woodland Elementary website link is

Student’s Thursday Folders

Provides regular announcements, newsletters, graded papers, report cards, and flyers. Please remember the importance of reviewing these notices on the same day they are sent home.

PBIS Rewards

An online tool where teachers and parents can connect within the teacher’s classroom and where parents can receive schoolwide announcements from various school-based staff.

Books and Supplies

Textbooks issued to students are the property of Fulton County Schools and should be used with care and returned in good condition. Students are responsible for payment of books that are lost, stolen, or damaged beyond use. Teachers may request that students purchase school supplies during the school year. If a textbook or library book is lost or damaged, a fee will be charged, and report cards may be held until these fees are paid in full.

Additional Information


At Woodland, each child receives an acknowledgement of their birthday and a birthday item from their teacher.  As per Fulton County Schools new guidelines, schools no longer distribute any type of bought or homemade items (cupcakes, cookies, cake, etc.) during the school day. Exceptions are teacher requested curriculum-based items or materials, and winter or end of year parties.

If you would like to provide a treat at school for your child’s special celebration, you may purchase a USDA Smart Snack from the school cafeteria.

A school purchased treat provides the following advantages: *

  • Pre-pay online using your students mypaymentsplus account.
  • Parents may also pay via check or cash directly to the cafeteria.
  • Complete Classroom Celebration Order Form and return to school.
  • The classroom treat will be distributed during lunch in the cafeteria*

*Submit payment (either on-line or via cash/check at least 2 days in advance).

Parents are not permitted to go to the classroom to pass out Goody bags, balloons, flowers, party favors, gift treats, or have a birthday celebration. No personal party invitations may be distributed at school. 


Individual student pictures are taken during the fall and spring. Class pictures are taken in the Spring. 

Lost and Found

Nametags should be placed on all clothing, book bags, lunch boxes, and other items that are brought to school. Unlabeled or unclaimed property is given to a local agency several times during the school year. “Lost and Found” is maintained in both the cafeteria and the gym. We encourage parents to check the “Lost and Found” for clothing, water bottles, eyeglasses, etc.  Items not claimed or retrieved will be donated.

Use of Telephone by Students

Students may only use the front office telephone in an emergency and must have permission from their teacher. Play dates, forgotten papers, school materials or assignments do not constitute an emergency and students will not be allowed to use the telephone for these purposes.

Valuables / Cellphones / Computer Games / Sport Equipment

Students should not bring large sums of money or items of value to school. Airpods, iPads, electronic game systems, and sports equipment are not permitted. The only time students are permitted to bring a toy or game to school is at the direct request of the teacher.

Students are not allowed to carry cell phones.  If cell phones are visible, they will be taken and kept in the main office for the parent to pick up. The school will not take responsibility for lost or stolen items. Parents and family are requested not to call students on their cell phones during school hours. If you must reach a student, please call the front office at (470)-254-5890.

Toys / Games

To keep interruptions and distractions to a minimum, we ask that students not bring toys, games, dolls, trading cards, fidget spinners, prohibited items, etc. to school unless given permission from your child’s teacher. Items brought to school without permission will be turned into the Assistant Principal and a call will be made to the child’s parent/guardian to come to school to retrieve the item. 

Support Staff

Woodland’s support staff is here to help. Please see below for additional information.

CST (Curriculum Support Teacher)

Mrs. Tara Uremovich, our CST, helps facilitate the instructional program of the school by working with teachers to coordinate the curriculum and delivery of instruction. The CST also administers academic assessments, conducts school tours for prospective parents (COVID allowing), and coordinates a wide range of instructional programs. Mrs. Uremovich is available to meet with parents to discuss on-going instructional concerns that have not first been resolved by meeting with the teacher.

IST (Instructional Support Teacher)

The IST, Mrs. Arpana Khan, facilitates the special education program of the school and serves as a resource for parents and teachers. 

EIP (Early Intervention Program)

EIP teachers are available at each grade level to provide small group support to struggling students who meet specified criteria for the program.

SST (Student Support Team)

The Student Support Team implements the process used to provide the necessary support for students who are experiencing academic, behavioral and/or social problems in the general education classroom. The team is led by RTI Coordinator or school counselor.


Counseling services are available to all students in the school.  We have two counselors, Mrs. Aimee Range and Mrs. Haley Gordon, as well as a part time school social worker, Ms. Monica Jones. The role of the counselor is to help remove barriers that may be standing in the way of students reaching their maximum potential. Counselors collaborate with students, staff, and parents to build a pathway towards success. Counseling services include assistance with educational planning, interpretation of evaluation scores, occupational information, career instruction, study skills and social concerns. Our counselor provides classroom curriculum lessons as well as short–term individual counseling and small group counseling on an as-needed basis.

Bilingual Liaison

Ms. Zhenia Ingram is our full time Bilingual Liaison. She works diligently to coordinate programs to build capacity for our ESOL parental involvement and ensure responsiveness and helpfulness to all parents.

Academic Coaches

Woodland is fortunate to have three coaches. Mrs. Sapp is the K – 2 literacy coach; Ms. Neal is the 3 – 5 literacy coach; Mrs. Widis supports math and STEM instruction. 

Drop-Offs and Forgotten Items

Drop offs and forgotten items are discouraged. Please have all items packed in the bookbag, and ready to go the night before the next school day.

Volunteers / Visitors / Safety / Security

Woodland takes the safety of your child seriously, so please adhere to all guidelines outlined below, so that we can keep our school and your child as safe as possible.

Student / Parent Contact Information

If a phone number or address changes during the school year, please change this in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal immediately and alert the teacher once a change has been made. It is important the office has the correct home address and parent’s/guardians current telephone numbers (home, work, and cell) in addition to the correct information for the student’s emergency contacts. 

Volunteers and Visitors*

ALL volunteers and visitors are required to sign in at the front desk and present a valid photo ID. 


A volunteer works within the school programs by interacting with teachers/students directly or indirectly. To become a volunteer, you must:

  1. Register online at the FCS Volunteer webpage and view a short video related to mandated reporting of child abuse. Prospective volunteers will need to complete this registration at least 48 hours prior to volunteering in the school. Volunteers must also re-register every two years.
  2. Sign up for volunteer opportunities with the school’s volunteer contact person, teacher, or support staff.  

General Guidelines for Volunteers

  • Arrive at the front desk and present a valid photo ID. No one can enter the school without a valid photo ID. 
  • After being verified by our Raptor Security Software, the office will issue a volunteer badge. (Any adult not wearing a badge will be escorted to the front office so that a badge can be obtained.)
  • Stay in the area(s) associated with the assigned assignment(s).
  • Be nonpolitical when volunteering in the school.
  • Comply with WES and school regulations while on site.
  • Please note, parents and guardians may or may not be working with their own student while volunteering.
  • ·Other guidelines may be posted pending WES’s review and approval.


A visitor is visiting the school for a brief period, for example, to have lunch with a student, visit the cafeteria to put money on a student’s lunch account or attend a pre-arranged meeting with the student’s teacher. A visitor does not interact with other students, so visitors are not required to register online. This also means that when parents eat lunch with their child, they eat lunch with their child only, so please do not ask students that are not your child to sit at the table with you.

General Guidelines for Visitors

  • Arrive at the front desk and present a valid photo ID. No one can enter our school without a valid photo ID. 
  • After having your identification verified by our Raptor Security Software, you will be given a visitor badge. (Any adult not wearing a badge will be escorted to the front office to obtain a badge.)
  • LUNCH VISITORS:  Lunch visitors will be permitted after the Labor Day holiday.  If eating lunch with your child, please use the designated area available outside of the cafeteria. No other student(s) other than your own, is allowed to accompany you and your child at lunch.  There is a sign-up process for attending lunch with your child.  You will need to sign-up for a day and time.  If you will not be able to attend on a day reserved, please remove yourself from the sign-up to allow others to reserve a day and time.  The sign-up process is on a first-come-first serve basis due to our limited cafeteria area to accommodate.
  • If visiting a staff member or attending a prearranged meeting/conference with a staff member, the front office will confirm the appointment.
  • Remain in the area(s) you are authorized to visit.
  • Other guidelines may be posted pending WES’s review and approval.

Safety / Security

To provide a secure school environment for our students and staff, all entrance doors are locked at 8:00 AM.

Parents and Volunteers are required to enter the building through the doors located in the front of the building using the intercom to request entry into the building. A front office staff member will buzz you into the building.  ALL volunteers and visitors are required to present a valid photo ID that will be verified via our RAPTOR Security Software.

Parents are not permitted to take any items to the student’s classroom including homework, lunches, glasses, etc.  If these items are forgotten, we request all items be delivered to the front desk prior to 10:00 AM to minimize disruption to the instructional day.

Students and parents are not permitted to return to the classroom after school hours. Teachers are often involved in conferences and in preparing instructional material for the next school day. In case of an emergency, an administrator may escort a student/parent to the classroom to retrieve the forgotten item.  

To ensure the safety of our students during dismissal, no one is allowed in the building from 1:45 PM to 2:50 PM. If arriving after 1:45 PM, please wait outside of the building until 2:50 PM.


To provide a safe learning environment for our students, we have evacuation, take shelter, hard lock down and soft lock down drills. Staff and students participate in these on a regular basis, so they know the correct procedure in case of a real emergency. Visitors and volunteers are expected to participate in the drills if on campus during a drill. Students cannot be checked out during drills.  

Attendance and Tardy Policies

FCS Attendance Policy

Regular school attendance is essential to student success. Please make every effort to have your student at school and on time every day they are well enough to attend. A student must be in attendance more than one half-day (11:15 AM) before they can be counted present for the day.  If a student is checked-out early for a doctor’s appointment, a doctor’s note is required upon their return.

All students should bring in a note within three days of an absence. This note must include the student’s first and last name, date of absence and the reason for absence. Whenever a student is absent due to medical issues and is seen by a doctor, please make sure to send in documentation provided by the doctor in addition to the parent’s signed written excuse for the absence. Should a student reach ten excused absences, medical documentation for any further absence may be required. Written excuses are kept on file at school. If a note is not provided, then the absence will be marked as unexcused. 

Excused Absences

A student's absence from school or class will be considered excused when it is due to any of the following circumstances.

  • Personal illness of the student or a death in the student’s immediate family.
  • Attendance at school would be detrimental to the health of the student or others.
  • Observance of recognized religious holidays, necessitating absence from school.

A student's absence from school or class for any reason other than those listed above will be considered an unexcused absence.  As documented in the Fulton County Code of Conduct and Discipline Handbook:  It should be noted that O.C.G.A. 20-2-690.1 states that any parents, guardian, or other person residing in this state who has control or charge of a child or children that accrues five unexcused absences during one school year will be deemed to have violated this Code section and shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to fines, imprisonment, community services, or any combination of these penalties.

As you may recall, the College and Career Ready Performance Index (CCRPI) is a comprehensive school improvement, accountability, and communication platform for all educational stakeholders that promotes college and career readiness for all Georgia public school students. CCRPI is Georgia's accountability system that meets state and federal accountability requirements, and all schools receive a CCRPI each year based on a multitude of factors.

Woodland's student attendance is pulled by the state each year and is one factor in our CCRPI overall score. ALL student absences whether sick, religious, approved, or unapproved are used to calculate our CCRPI score and count against us as a school.

We are committed to improving our overall attendance rate and therefore no absences will be pre-approved for travel purposes.  While we know that travel has many educational benefits, when a student is absent from school, they are missing out on many crucial educational opportunities in the classroom which can't be made up solely with sending home extra work. We strongly encourage you to plan your vacations and trips around scheduled Fulton County holidays as well as our school's professional development days.

We truly appreciate your support and assistance in improving our overall school-wide attendance!


A student is tardy when they arrive to school after the beginning of the official school day and is not in the assigned class at the official beginning of the class period by 7:40 AM. All students should be in class by 7:40 AM each morning. Carpool will close at 7:37 AM each morning. Parents who arrive after this time will need to park, walk their student to the front of the building, and sign their child in at the sign in station outside of the school.

School Bus Policies

Bus Guidelines

Each student is responsible for adhering to the bus guidelines to maintain the privilege of riding the bus. Students who ride the bus should follow four (4) basic rules:

  1. Remain seated and always face the front of the bus.
  2. Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
  3. Talk to your neighbor using an appropriate noise level.
  4. Do not use a cell phone while riding on the bus.

Additional guidelines include:

  • Children may not “save” places for others in the bus stop line or on the bus.  
  • Fighting, profane language, name-calling, and destruction of property cannot be tolerated.  Such behavior will result in immediate action and probable loss of bus privileges.
  • No food or drinks may be consumed on the bus.
  • Students are to board and depart only at their assigned bus stop and only at their assigned times. Space limitations may preclude students from riding home with a friend.
  • Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 1st grade students who do not have an adult present at their designated stop, will be returned to the school, and you will be called to pick up your child from the school. Multiple occurrences will result in school social worker referral. 

Bus Conduct

  • Each parent is responsible for supervising his/her children at the bus stop.
  • Children should not arrive at the bus stop until it is nearly time to board the bus.  
  • Fights or other serious problems arising at bus stops due to lack of or inadequate supervision will be reported to the local police.  
  • Inappropriate behavior on the bus will be reported to the parent and school administrators.
  • If bus misconduct is serious and needs immediate action, or persists after parent notification, the driver will complete a formal discipline referral. A school administrator will investigate the report and take appropriate disciplinary action. Bus privileges may be lost for serious or persistent cases of inappropriate behavior. Serious behavior infractions such as fighting may result in a school suspension.

Should you wish to discuss a concern related to the bus, please contact an Assistant Principal at 470-254-5890. Should you have a concern about a bus driver, or note an unsafe practice, please contact the transportation office directly, at 470-254-6060.

Uniform Policy

All students wear the Woodland uniform, which is described in detail below. Tights and sweaters must match school uniform colors. No outer jackets and hoodies are to be worn during school hours; however, students may want to keep a navy, white, or red sweater at school if their classroom is chilly. 

Please see below for details about the Woodland uniform:

  • Shirts: Collared shirt, long-sleeved or short, with or without the Woodland logo. Colors are red, white, or navy. Turtlenecks are acceptable. 
  • Pants: Navy or khaki shorts or pants. Shorts should be mid-thigh to knee length. Pleated or elastic waist pants are acceptable. Jeans (distressed or ripped), sweatpants, or tight leggings are not acceptable. Girls may also wear navy or khaki skirts, skorts, or jumpers, provided they are mid-thigh to knee length. During colder months, tights of uniform color (red, white, or navy blue) may be worn underneath skirts.   
  • Shoes & Socks: Closed-toed athletic (sneakers) with red, white, or navy socks will ensure that students are properly dressed for P.E. and recess. Shoes should be in neutral colors such as black, brown, or white. Small colored accents are acceptable but should not be the primary color of the shoe. For example, a pink Nike Swoosh is fine, however pink tennis shoes are not acceptable. Twinkle Toes (shoes that light up) tennis shoes are not permissible. Sandals, boots, or Crocs are not acceptable footwear. If a student arrives in sandals, boots, or Crocs, the parent will receive a phone call requesting a change of shoes. The second violation will result in the child receiving a dress code violation notice.
  • PE:  Athletic style shoes are required for PE. Students will not be allowed to participate in PE if they are not wearing appropriate shoes and their grade may be negatively impacted for failure to participate.
  •  Accessories:  Purses, caps, headphones, etc. are not permitted at school unless authorized by the principal or teacher.

PRIDE Expectations

Woodland is a school where all students are afforded an education within an enriching, nurturing, and challenging learning environment. We believe a collective partnership with students, parents, and staff is essential in cultivating and sustaining total school pride through a school-wide behavior expectations and management system. This management system is grounded in recognizing acceptable behaviors and explicit teaching, communication, and modeling of desired behaviors. The purpose of this plan is to help students make appropriate choices, accept responsibility for their behaviors, and understand that their behaviors have consequences for themselves and others. 

At Woodland, we expect our Wildcats to exhibit Perseverance, Respect, Integrity, Discipline and Empathy (P.R.I.D.E.) in all they do academically and socially.  We believe our students will excel when they:

  • Show Perseverance - Working hard no matter what, without giving up
  • Demonstrate Respect - Having high regard for yourself, all people, and things
  • Act with Integrity - Doing what is right, even when no one is watching
  • Be Disciplined - Exercising control of your own actions and choices
  • Do everything with Empathy – Thinking of others in need

Each teacher will consistently develop desired behaviors within the classroom that are aligned with our PRIDE Behavioral Expectation System as well as the Fulton County Discipline Code of Conduct. To assist our students in fully understanding these traits and how they can apply them in their own personal choices, all students will participate in classroom community meetings the first 10 minutes of each day. During this valuable time, expectations will be modeled through role-play, read-alouds, simulations and other strategies.

Students who choose not to exercise discipline specified in our school-wide behavioral management and expectations plan which interferes with the optimal learning environment for all students will receive consequences based on Fulton County Schools Student Code of Conduct & Discipline Handbook. The degree of consequence imposed will be in proportion to the severity of the behavior. 

We are committed to being proactive and maintaining a structured learning atmosphere that reinforces positive actions and outcomes through mutual kindness, respect, and consistency. Being disciplined members of the community positively affects everyone and the school learning environment collectively.

School Clinic and Medication Administration

School Clinic

A trained clinic aide is available to care for injured or sick students and to notify parents when pick-up is necessary. If a child is not well enough to return to class within 20 minutes of entering the clinic, the parent or guardian will be called to check-out the child from the office and take him/her home. 

Students should not come to school with a fever, cloudy discharge from the nose, goopy red eyes, earache, or stomach/intestinal distress. Children must be free of vomiting and/or fever for 24-hours, without the aid of medicine, before returning to school as per the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines. When returning to school following an absence due to illness, parents must send a written, signed note, explaining the illness and provide the number of days and dates the child was absent. This is necessary for State Attendance Reports. If an illness or injury requires immediate medical attention, 911 will be called.   Please be sure the school has your current phone number/contact information as well as updated emergency contact information so you can be reached in case of an emergency. 


If a prescribed medication is necessary to allow a student to attend school on a regular basis, the clinic assistant may administer the medication (inside the clinic only) if the parents or legal guardian provide the following:

  1. Written certification by a licensed physician that such medication must be administered to the student during the school day.
  2. Written instructions from a licensed physician regarding the administration of the medication, including dosage, expected duration of administering, and side effects of the medication.
  3. Parents must fill out a release form (required by the school system) releasing the board of education, the school, and system employees from any liability of administering administration.

Food and Nutrition

Breakfast and lunch are served daily.  All students are encouraged to participate in the school lunch as it is a well-balanced meal and adheres to nutritional guidelines set by the United States Department of Agriculture. Milk is served with all meals in addition to hot and cold meal choices. Extra milk and juices are available for a nominal fee. Menus are posted in the front office and on the FCS School Nutrition webpage.

*Meals may be purchased daily or by charging to the pre-paid Lunch Card. Checks should be payable to Woodland Elementary School and include the student’s full name on the check. Parents may opt to pay online through the MealPaymentsPlus system. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure that funds are available in their child’s meal account. The cafeteria will assist by informing students in advance when their accounts are low. If a student does not have money in their account, the cafeteria will allow one charge. After two charges, students will receive a cheese sandwich, milk, and fruit until charges are paid. Payments for lunches should be made prior to 9:00 a.m. in the school cafeteria. If you have questions regarding our meal program, student accounts, or other food service-related issues, please contact our cafeteria manager at 470-254-4069.

Please do not bring fast food items to the school for your child’s lunch.

*Meal Prices


  • Student Breakfast:  $1.10
  • Reduced Student Breakfast:  $0.30
  • Adult Breakfast:  $2.75


  • Student Lunch:  $2.45
  • Reduced Student Lunch:  $0.40
  • Adult Lunch:  $3.35

Families meeting specific income requirements may be eligible for Free and Reduced-Price Meals and can apply for this program through applications available at our school. Households should complete one application listing all household members and identifying students who attend a Fulton County School (FCS).

  • Parents/guardians must complete one application per household indicating the school attended for each student.
  • The application should be returned to the school cafeteria manager of the youngest student.
  • New students to FCS will pay for meals until the household application is approved.
  • Returning FCS students will maintain last year’s meal status until the application is approved.
  • The approval process will be completed within 10 days.

For more information about Free and Reduced-Price Meals or the application process, contact our cafeteria manager at 470-254-4069.