2024 - 2025 Meeting Documents
Notes and Reminders for All SGC Meetings
Details about the items listed on the first page of this document.
- Setting the date, time, and location of your meeting: It is a great idea to set your meeting schedule for the entire fall semester (if not the entire year) at your first meeting. Get this information posted at your school and on your SGC website and you will have already covered many requirements of the Open Records and Meetings Laws. It is important that SGC meetings are scheduled outside of school hours so that staff members can attend if they would like to do so. If your meetings will be held virtually, make sure to include a link so that members of the public are able to view the meeting on-line.
- Action items: All action items require a motion, a second and a vote (even seemingly simple things like the agenda and meeting minutes need to be voted on). Remember that principals and student members are not voting members, so even if they are designated as an owner of an action item, the voting members of the council will be responsible for motioning, seconding and voting on the item.
- Discussion items: These are agenda items that solicit feedback from council members. They do not require a vote.
- Informational items: It is common for councils to receive updates throughout the school year related to the day-to-day management of the school or district happenings. Informational items are usually meant to keep the council up to date on important topics even if they do not fall under the purview of the council. These items do not require a vote.
- Running the first meeting: Note that in this agenda the principal runs most of the meeting until the point at which officers are elected and the newly elected chair takes the lead. This is a great practice as there will not technically be a standing chair at the beginning of the first meeting of the year. (Note: if the previous chair is still sitting on the council, they are welcome to run the beginning of year meeting until a new chair is elected)
- Staffing your committees: Remember that all SGC members should be a part of at least one committee. The Budget and Finance Committee and the Communications and Outreach Committee require a Chair (any voting SGC member), the principal, three voting SGC members and can have up to three additional SGC or external members. Also, every school needs a Principal Selection Committee regardless of whether they believe that their principal position might become vacant. This committee is comprised of the SGC Chair and three additional voting SGC members.
- Nominating a representative for the Superintendent’s Parent/Community Advisory Council: All schools are asked to select a representative to serve on the Superintendent’s Parent/Community Advisory Council. This group meets monthly with the superintendent to provide feedback and receive updates on important issues affecting FCS schools and local communities. Meeting dates/times/locations will be sent out to representatives prior to the first advisory council meeting. If a representative is unable to attend a meeting, another member of the council can attend in their place.
- Drafting your next meeting agenda: It is a best practice to draft an agenda for your next meeting at the end of each meeting to help your council plan its upcoming work. If unforeseen events require a council to modify the agenda, the council can simply edit the agenda and vote to approve the modified agenda at the beginning of the next council meeting.
August 28th SGC Meeting Documents
Meeting Link for August 28, 2024 @ 7:30am
- 7:30 - Call to Order by Ms. Toomer
- 7:31 - Action Item (Toomer)
- Approve Agenda
- 7:32 - Action Item (Toomer)
- Approve May 2024 Minutes
- 7:35 - Action Items (Chair / All Members)
- Select SGC Chair and Parliamentarian
- Select SGC Meeting Dates
- Identify SGC Committees
- Communication and Outreach
- Budget and Finance
- Principal Selection
- 7:55 - Informational Item (Toomer)
- 8:05 - Discussion (Chair / All Members)
- Charter Dollars
- 8:15 - Action Item (Chair / All Members)
- Set September Meeting Agenda
- 8:30 - Meeting Adjourned (Chair)