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SSS Parent Packet

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Student Success Skills

Student Success Skills are a set of standards that will be taught in all schools, to all students, by all teachers throughout the school year. These standards include six skills that are broken down into several standards across grade levels. Teaching these skills will support students in creating a foundation for managing emotions, healthy relationships, understanding and empathizing with others, being responsible and safe, and learning to cope with difficult life situations.

ReThink Ed

ReThink Ed is the comprehensive K-12 online platform that will be used to provide teachers access to instructional materials, lessons, and activities. Various instructional strategies will be used by teachers to teach students skills, allow them to practice and apply the skills learned. Each skill also has an Academic Connection which links each skill to academic content.

The Research

Interventions focused on key skills can lead to increased academic performance, improved classroom behavior, increased ability to manage stress and depression, and better attitudes about self, others and school. The positive impact of this work are long term and far reaching. These skills can help reduce poverty, improve economic mobility, and improve life outcomes (CASEL 2020)

ReThink Ed Parent Account

Fulton County Schools and Rethink Ed have partnered to provide you access to our Student Success Skills lessons and online program. The ReThink Ed platform provides all of the lesson content, videos, and more. Parents can access this online program by creating their own Rethink Ed Parent Account or through your student’s ReThink Ed Student Account via ClassLink. To access your student’s account, log into ClassLink using your student’s login information and then click on the ReThink Ed app!

What Will I Have Access to as a Parent / Caregiver? 

Parent and or caregiver logins will allow you to access the following features:

  • All of the Student Success Skills lesson content, including lesson plans, videos, and activities!
  • Access on-demand videos presented by experts in the field developed to support your student and your own emotional well-being.
  • Strategies and printable resources to help your child develop skills, set positive goals, and make responsible decisions.

How Do I Navigate the Platform? 

There are resources to help you if you have trouble navigating through the platform.

How Do I Opt My Student Out of Student Success Skills Lessons After Reviewing Them? Parent/Guardian submits a written request to opt student out to School Principal or Designee. The school will then enter the opt out into Infinite Campus.

Student Success Skills Student Inventory

The Student Success Skills Inventory is used to measure student growth across Student Success Skill standards taught by teachers. Students complete the inventory by indicating if they almost always, always, sometimes, or never apply the skills being taught in the areas of Self-Awareness, Self-Management, Social Competence, Collaborative Problem Solving, Reflective Learning Strategies, and Sense of Belonging. The SSS Inventory is about 15-20 items and administered to students in the Fall and Spring. It takes about 15 minutes to complete. Students complete the SSS Inventory using the Illuminate platform.

  • Fall Administration (Elementary & Middle): August 26, 2024 – September 6, 2024
  • Fall Administration (High): September 5, 2024- September 13, 2024
  • Spring Administration (All levels): April 14,2025 – April 18, 2025

Questions? If you have any questions about the SSS Inventory, please contact your school’s Student Success Skills Champion! Inventory Opt-Out Parents can choose to opt their student out of the inventory. To opt out, parents must submit a written request to the school principal. 

Home Connection

Student Success Skills can also support parents and caregivers as they help their student manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, and make responsible decisions. Home Connection letters and other resources are available to provide tips and strategies to reinforce learned skills at home.